
Stronghold meaning
Stronghold meaning

stronghold meaning

The Paralytic by the Pool of Bethesda is a classic example of such situations. As years pass by these walls can become so strong the victim will not even want to be helped. The moment we buy into these lies and agree with the devil, thereby ceding control, that area of our lives become a Spiritual Stronghold, which the devil vigorously defends and retains control of.Ĭ. On this foundation, the devil then begins to build brick by brick walls of logical lies.ī. It often begins with an emotional wound we experience caused by hurt or disappointment that makes our heart fertile ground for seeds of lies to be planted. So this mindset among other things can cause us to sin, inaccurately convince us about the person of God, urge us to live according to erroneous interpretations of Scripture, entertain pride of life, distort our perception of how God sees us and feels about us when we sin.ģ. You in turn then become fiercely independent, so much so that you have trust issues, which has then resulted in a struggle to trust God for who he is.Ĭ. As a result, the devil lied to you that you are on your own because no one could be trusted. For example, someone you trusted, who should have played a father-figure role in your life deeply betrayed your trust and hurt you. (…every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God…)ī.

stronghold meaning

(It’s the fruit of Satan’s work within us.) This state of mind, in particular, takes the form of an argument, a false logic or speculation that underestimate the redeeming power of God. In the New Testament Paul, the Apostle uses the term ‘Stronghold’ as a metaphor to refer to a false yet very strong state of mind. The Great Wall of China, The Red Fort in India and the Sigiriya in Sri Lanka are examples for such places.

stronghold meaning stronghold meaning

The ruins of such structures can be seen even today. Highly guarded at times of war no one could enter in or go out without prior permission (The wall of Jericho – Joshua 6:1)Ĭ. Those that were built on the lower ground were often surrounded by a water-filled moat – often inhabited by carnivorous fishes like Piranha. These structures were built on mountain tops or high places. It made a counter-attack much easier as the Archers at guard on top of the fortress could rain down arrows on the enemy on the ground.ī. They were very strong structures constructed using thick and solid stones. In ancient times fortresses were built to defend great cities from invading armies. Literally speaking a Stronghold is actually a reference to a fortified structure or a Fortress. Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (Core Bible Verse) 1. I will share with you 5 core truths today.


The Bible calls this a Spiritual Stronghold.Īs God’s children, it’s crucial that we learn about Spiritual Strongholds in our own lives and how to deal with them because they are one of the highly effective strategies Satan use against us. Satan used Patrick’s hurts as a foundation to build a wall of lies about him, brick by brick. Many will blame the mother but there’s a spiritual aspect to this tragedy.


Instead of seeking professional help he sought after Cocaine for temporary relief. Many years of abuse left him emotionally wounded very deeply. Are drugs to be blamed for the untimely death of this brilliant individual? The truth is much sinister and deeper.Īs Patrick’s mother admitted later he was a victim of physical and verbal abuse at her hands for a very long time when he was a child. He happened to die at a very young age the age from a Cocaine overdose. Walter Patrick Bissell (1 December 1957 – 29 December 1987) was an American Ballet Dancer who was known for his brilliant performance.

Stronghold meaning